Little Book is an annual release from James B. Beam Distilling Co. Each release is a different, somewhat experimental release developed by Freddie Noe, Beam’s 8th generation whiskey maker.
First introduced in Fall 2017, “Little Book Chapter 01: The Easy” was the first whiskey brand created by Freddie Noe. Booker Noe’s nickname for Freddie was “Little Book.”
Each Little Book expression is an annual “chapter” in the series, each ofwhich are comprised of a different blend each year.
Like Booker’s, Little Book releases are all uncut and unfiltered.
Little BookExcerpt: "Curious Endeavors"
Fall 2023 •
Little BookChapter 7: "In Retrospect"
Fall 2023 • 118.1 proof,
Little BookChapter 6: "To The Finish"
Fall 2022 • 117.45 proof,
Little BookChapter 5: "The Invitation"
Fall 2021 • 116.8 proof,
Little BookChapter 4: "Lessons Honored"
Fall 2020 • 122.8 proof,
Little BookChapter 3: "The Road Home"
Fall 2019 • 122.6 proof,
Little BookChapter 2: "Noe Simple Task"
Fall 2018 • 118.8 proof,
Little BookChapter 1: "The Easy"
Fall 2017 • 120.48 proof,