Blue Run Golden Rye

Blue Run Golden Rye bottle

Credit: Lost Cargo

Blue Run Golden Rye

Blue Run Golden Rye is the fourth release from Blue Run Spirits, and their first rye whiskey.

It is a 95-proof rye sourced from an undisclosed distillery. It has been released in two separate batches, in September 2021 and again in July 2022.

“Our goal with our Golden Rye was to make it just as approachable as our Bourbons, but still maintain spicy elements that are the hallmark of Ryes.”
Mike Montgomery, Blue Run CEO

Unlike all prior releases from Blue Run, Jim Rutledge did not advise on this product.


Blue Run Golden RyeBatch 2

July 2021

102 barrel batch1Press Release

Blue Run Golden RyeBatch 1

September 2021

91 barrel batch.