A. Smith Bowman

A. Smith Bowman distillery

A. Smith Bowman

A. Smith Bowman Distillery is located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, it has a history dating back to the early days of American distillation. The distillery is named after Abram Smith Bowman, who was an influential figure in the region’s whiskey-making heritage.

The building used as a warehouse for the original distillery is located in what is now Reston, VA.1Google Street View


  • 1934

    Founded by Abram Smith Bowman and his sons, Abram Smith, Jr., and DeLong on the day after the repeal of Prohibition

  • 1988

    Relocated to its current location in Spotsylvania County

  • 2003

    Purchased by the Sazerac Company


A. Smith Bowman Distillery

Fredericksburg, VA Production Distillery, Tasting Room, Gift Shop,